Big Changes Ahead

You may have noticed that I haven’t been posting short videos consistently on Instagram and Facebook anymore.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my journey on social media. It's been a wild ride, though it’s only been a few months since I decided to take this hobby a little bit seriously. Today, I want to share some of that with you, especially about some big changes I'm planning to make.

For a long time, I tried to be everywhere at once. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Threads – you name it, I was there, posting and trying to keep up. I know I don’t have a lot of following yet, but recently this is starting to feel like too much.

When I built my website in January, that's when I had an "aha" moment.

With my professional work and personal responsibilities, I might have spread myself too thin, and I worry I might burn out soon. I don’t want that. I truly love these online projects that I make and I want to keep on going. In order to do that, I’ll have to say NO to some things.

I realized that what really matters isn't how many platforms I'm on, but the value I bring to you – my audience.

It's about going deeper, not wider.

So, I've decided to focus only on creating long-form content on YouTube and through my newsletters. This way, I can dive into topics that matter and share more meaningful stories and insights with you.

YouTube is now going to be our main hangout.

I'm talking about videos that get into the nitty-gritty of things, where we can explore ideas together and have real conversations. And through my newsletters, I'll keep you updated on what's going on, share tips, more deep-dives, lifestyle medicine insights and personal reflections.

I'll still pop up on Instagram and Facebook from time to time for quick updates on new content, some snapshots of my writing and my life. I might even share some short clips occasionally. You can still DM me there or contact me via email.

But the real meat (no pun intended 🤣) of what I want to share will be in our long-form videos and newsletters. Every newsletter I send will also be posted on my website for those who want to re-read them.

In case you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, here’s the link.

Making this change feels right. I'm excited about this new approach and all the amazing things we'll discover together.

Take care and talk soon,

Grazelle 🌱

Dr Grazelle

Get your weekly dose of empowerment from The Healthy Hangout - a community of self-improvers getting their minds and bodies in shape one newsletter at a time. (Caution: may lead to unexpected life upgrades.)

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