Healthy people get sick, while the indulgent thrive. Why?

A couple weeks ago, I posted this video on YouTube titled: Why some people look healthy on unhealthy lifestyles.

I was genuinely curious about this topic and I’d like to expand on that a little more in this letter.

I've always been fascinated by those who seem to defy health norms—smoking, indulging in fast food, yet radiating vitality. How? Initially, I thought it was sheer luck or genetic jackpot. But diving deeper, the reality unfolded. Youth can mask the toll of such habits, and appearances can be deceiving. I learned that what's on the outside doesn't always mirror the inside. High cholesterol, high blood pressure and other chronic diseases don't always carry visible signs. At least not yet.

Through my eyes, I've seen friends rely on makeup, diets, or intense workouts to maintain an illusion of health. It's a stark reminder: health isn't skin-deep. Socioeconomic status and mental wellbeing play significant roles, too. Some can afford to look well; others mask their struggles behind a healthy facade.

Encountering the Health-Conscious Unwell

On the flip side are those dedicated to wellness, yet seemingly not reaping its visible benefits. This hit close to home. My own health journey began in response to my cancer diagnosis. Many embrace a healthy lifestyle as a beacon of hope, a lifeline amidst health challenges. It's a path I've walked, where every step toward nutrition and fitness was a battle against my condition, not a quest for external validation.

But it's not just about personal resolve. External factors—pollution, stress, access to care—play massive roles. And here lies a critical lesson: health is a deeply personal, multifaceted journey. It extends beyond diet and exercise, enveloping the mind, spirit, and the very air we breathe.

The Truth Behind Lifestyle Choices

The stories of individuals thriving despite "unhealthy" habits are captivating, but they're exceptions, not the rule. My professional insights align with this: for every tale of an exceptional person, there are countless untold stories of lives cut short or quality of life diminished by similar habits. The evidence is clear and compelling—lifestyle still matters profoundly.

I've come to view health as a mosaic, each piece—genetics, choices, environment—integral. It's a perspective born from both personal trials and professional understanding. Wellness isn't a linear equation but a complex interplay of factors, although many within our control.

A Personal Journey Toward Empowerment

This narrative isn't just my story; it's a shared human experience, a collective quest for wellbeing. It's about seeing beyond myths to the underlying truths of health. Here's what I've learned, and I hope it resonates with you:

1. Look Beyond Appearances: True health is an inner state, not always visible.

2. Embrace the Complexity of Health: Genetics, lifestyle, socioeconomic and environmental factors are intertwined in shaping our wellbeing.

3. Cherish the Journey: Wellness is a personal voyage, filled with its unique challenges and victories.

Reflecting on this, I'm reminded that health is not a destination but a continuous journey. It's about making informed, compassionate choices for ourselves, guided by both knowledge and empathy. Let's navigate this path together, with open hearts and minds, toward a future of vitality and fulfillment.

Until next week,

Grazelle 🌱

Dr Grazelle

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