How I Discovered Plant-based Eating

Hello! I'm Grazelle, and it's my pleasure to welcome you to the first issue of the Health Hangout!

As a lifestyle medicine professional, I'm excited to share with you weekly insights on plant-based nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and positive psychology. Every Thursday, expect a personal touch of stories and evidence-based tips, aimed to guide and inspire you towards a fulfilling, healthy life.

I contemplated on what to write. Then I thought, why not start by sharing my story?

My Journey to Plant-Based Eating

My path to plant-based eating began unexpectedly in 2022.

During a family visit in the Philippines, both my husband and I contracted COVID-19. While he recovered swiftly, I struggled. Having lived with thyroid cancer that metastasized to my lungs, I was acutely aware of my vulnerability.

After weeks of persistent symptoms, I realized that conventional wisdom and remedies weren't enough. I sought for answers from Google Scholar and PubMed, not social media. Here, my journey took a pivotal turn.

I stumbled upon a study involving healthcare workers, highlighting significantly lower odds of moderate-to-severe COVID-19 among those on plant-based diets. Skeptical but intrigued, I delved deeper, uncovering more research that echoed these findings. The correlation between a plant-based diet and reduced COVID-19 severity was too compelling to ignore.

The decision to switch to a plant-based diet wasn't easy.

Our household staples were far from healthy plant-based, revolving mainly around meat and rice. But my desperation and curiosity won. I shared my plan with my husband just to make him aware. I knew he loved steak and grilled chicken, so I was fully prepared to do this alone. But to my surprise, he chose to join me.

The changes were gradual but remarkable.

Within weeks, my cough eased, and the general weakness began to abate. More striking were the unexpected benefits: improved digestion, weight loss (8 pounds in 3 months for me, 13 pounds in 2 months for my husband), and noticeably less painful menstrual cramps.

My deep dive into plant-based nutrition didn't stop at personal experimentation.

I read extensively, absorbing knowledge from books like “How Not To Die” by Dr. Greger, "The Proof is in the Plants" by Simon Hill and “Proteinaholic” by Dr. Garth Davis. Fueling this newfound passion, I earned a Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from Cornell University’s eCornell, became a certified nutritional physical therapist, and joined the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

The real testament to this lifestyle change came during my medical checkup.

Six months into my plant-based journey, my cancer biomarkers had astonishingly decreased by 70%. My white blood cells, historically low, were now normal. Subsequent tests and scans showed continued improvement, leading to the most hopeful news in over a decade: my thyroid cancer was in remission.

The Power of Food and Personal Responsibility

This experience has been a profound reminder of the power of food and personal responsibility in health. While a plant-based diet isn't a cure-all, it's a potent ally in the quest for better health. It's about taking control of the aspects of our health that are within our reach.

Engage with Me

To delve deeper into plant-based diets and their variations, I invite you to watch my detailed YouTube video. Your feedback and questions are not just welcome, but essential for our shared growth. Feel free to reply to this email, and remember, you can always opt out of these newsletters if you wish.

Next Thursday, we'll continue exploring the impactful role of lifestyle choices in health. Stay tuned for more stories, insights, and tips.

Thank you for joining me in this inaugural edition of Thursday Thrive. Let’s embark on this journey of health and knowledge together.

Warm regards,

- Grazelle

Dr Grazelle

Get your weekly dose of empowerment from The Healthy Hangout - a community of self-improvers getting their minds and bodies in shape one newsletter at a time. (Caution: may lead to unexpected life upgrades.)

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